a Local B2C + B2B services company
This local service company based in Belgium relies on an aggressive SEO.
The activity is seasonal.
The company is operating in 2 main verticals, over 2 countries, and in 3 languages (french, dutch, english).
Process for multi lingual SEO Growth
This local service business operating on 2 countries decided to outsource SEO and SEM. Here are the services he subscribed for and the subsequent results.
Continuous SEO Improvement and Inbound Content
An SEO Assistant researches keywords, analyzes search results, performs best practice on-page optimizations, creates SEO briefs and manages copywriters.
An agile organization with monthly sprints allows us to adapt to market changes, seasonality and new data collected.
We also leveraged internal multi lingual resources by creating SEO briefs.
Technical SEO Audit and Content SEO Audit
A technical and content audit generated a backlog of SEO improvements for the different sites. Technical errors and other quick wins have been identified. Improvements are implemented on an ongoing basis.
“Data Driven Tempo” Dashboard
A monthly dashboard, built with Data Studio, identifies successes, SEO opportunities and technical issues. A companion monthly call guides data driven SEO and marketing decisions for greater efficiency.
Indexation Issues
Indexation issues have been diagnosed and we offered clear suggestions to fix the issues. In collaboration with the developer team the solution was implemented and resulted in accelerated organic trafic growth..
Local SEO
Multi-local SEO and content tactics are applied to meet the specificities of the business and to deal with increased competition.
SEO Results
After consistant SEO efforts the SEO traffic has finally been increasing 44x Year to Date.